Escaping Negativity

This is such a great topic to discuss!

Escaping the negativity around us is hard. Especially when you are surrounded by people who are full of negativity.

I know I’m not alone when I say that I sometimes let myself get sucked into it and even feel the negative vibes coming out through me as well. 

What you surround yourself with is what you will become.

I have recently started putting huge boundaries into place in keeping my distance with negative people in my life.

I am a huge empath, I take on others emotions and vibes they give off.

I can feel it the moment I walk into a room.

So if someone is giving off negative vibes, I feel it immediately. It really takes a toll on my well being honestly.

I can feel a huge shift in my demeanor. I don’t do it intentionally, it just happens.

Not giving the people the opportunity to unload their negativity onto you is so important.

Unfortunately I am very much a person who always asks how people are doing.

Guess what that opens the door for??? Possible negativity!

But I genuinely care about people. With my closest friends it doesn’t bother me too much, but others, it definitely takes a toll on me. 

What can we do to change this? 

I’m going to share a few tips to help if you’re struggling with escaping negativity in your life!

Listen to music!

I think music affects us all, listening to upbeat happy music can change the way you are feeling almost instantly.

This is usually my go to, to help me get in a better headspace because music is so emotional for me!

Avoid being around negative people!

This can be hard if you are surrounded by negative people daily but keeping your distance from them can help!

Also, kill them with kindness and positivity. Maybe you can change their way of thinking.

Be more mindful of your thinking!

This is a hard one.

I feel like I practice this one daily. If you can realize when you’re being negative, that is HUGE!  

When you realize that you are thinking negatively, redirect your thoughts to something happy and positive!


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