
Self-care has become such an important part of my life. It is different from Self Help. Self help was a large part of my life in 2019.

I started a new kind of psycho-therapy and I’ve been a major candidate for self-help for many years. Something that I always thought I was incorporating was self-care.

I think this looks different for everyone. I’ve always taken the occasional time out to get my hair done, to get my nails done, or just have a day to myself.

But now, self-care looks different to me.

It goes much deeper. I don’t know if it’s just me getting older, but things are changing so much for me.

Things like journaling, waking up earlier to get a good morning routine in, meditating, being creative, reading books, yoga, eating healthy, being present, or simply going outside and just taking in the sunlight and outdoors.

It’s the smaller things in life that really help me get back to my true self and to help keep me grounded. It’s hard to do in the society we live in today.



I’m not consistent with journaling, but I do journal often. At one time, I tried to do it in the mornings when I first woke up, but it did not work out for me at all.

I really wanted it to work but for me, my thoughts are not flowing that early in the morning. It is better for me to journal mid-day or in the evenings to get my thoughts all down on paper.

It truly helps me move on from things I’m struggling with and to be vulnerable which I have a hard time doing.

If someone read my journal, they would think I was a raging lunatic because my thoughts are all over the place, but for me it's a place to get them out of my head.

Morning Routine-

I have not yet perfected this. It is still a work in progress. Someone once suggested that I read a book called, The Morning Miracle, but if you saw how long my book list is, you would completely understand why I have not read this yet!

This book has been said to be, “one of the most life changing books ever written.” I WILL read this at some point…. when I get time…..

I am a person who has for years gotten up and made my breakfast. I take about 30 minutes to do this. I make a healthy breakfast because I know it is the most important meal of the day for me.

I take a long time to wake up. I try to stay off of social media during this time. I do sometimes check my emails and try to focus on my goals that I have set for myself.

Meditating -

This is something I had to incorporate in life earlier this year. I have a lot of big life changes happening that have caused me to not sleep so great anymore, and I never usually have problems sleeping.

I know a lot of people think meditating is weird, but I think the guided ones are a lot better if you’re having trouble getting into it.

I’m very picky about my guided ones though, the smallest thing can ruin the whole meditation for me.

When I lay down at night before I go to sleep, I play a guided meditation app that usually has some deep breathing exercises incorporated and it makes a world of difference for me.

It really helps me relax and drift off into a deep sleep. I can tell a huge difference in how my day goes the next day when I do this the night before. Just being able to get away from all the thoughts going on in your mind is so relaxing.


This is something I love doing yet never have much time to do. I used to run a cake business on the side, and when I had my daughter I had to stop. I do an occasional cake here and there for my friends and family.

It was such a great creative outlet for me.

Even though I still do not have the time to decorate cakes, I have made it my mission this year to get more creative. This blog has allowed me to do this in a lot of ways, but also painting is allowing me to do this as well.

I knew I needed something else other than exercising to help me clear my mind and having my creative juices flowing and being able to make my ideas come to life is helping me in this area so much.

Being Outside-

Being outside I think is something most of us take for granted. I used to be one of those people.

Today being outside in the sun is something that relaxes me the most. We can do almost anything outside.

Any of my other self-care activities can pretty much be done outside.

The vitamin D that we can soak up from the sun is so good for us. Being able to plant our bare feet in the grass to help ground us. 

To focus on being present and taking in all the beauty this world has to offer us is something we will never regret doing and can bring us such a sense of joy and relief.

My hope is that you will be able to take some of these self care tips to help relieve the stresses in your life. It is so important to take care of ourselves!


How Our Bodies React To Stress


Imposter Syndrome