What has 2020 taught me?

I think it is so easy to focus on all of the bad that has happened this year because there has been so much of it for everyone all around. But as I had previously written in an earlier blog post about the good that has come from COVID-19, there is still some good that has come from it.

Being quarantined for most of the year has been extremely hard on most of us. Especially the ones, (such as myself,) who are always on the go. COVID stopped me right in my tracks and made me focus on the more important things in life. What truly made me happy.

There were a lot of things in my life that were making me unhappy, some of which I realized and some of which I did not.

One amazing thing that I accomplished in 2020 was launching my business. Not only did I launch my very own business, but I started a blog, and a podcast along with that. I never thought in a million years I would have done any of that.

Along the way, I completed a very intense 12-week entrepreneur program that completely pushed me out of my comfort zone and onto this path to find what ultimately makes me happy. I met SO MANY AMAZING people in this program that I am forever grateful for having in my life. They have brought so much to my life on so many different levels.

I quit a job that I had worked at for 18 years that was not fulfilling my happiness anymore. That took a lot of guts. To leave everything you have known your whole entire life is really mind blowing. I knew it needed to happen to help me grow and to give me more opportunities in my future.

I also had a TON of loss this year. I lost 3 very important people in my life. 2 unfortunately were due to COVID. I am still recovering from these losses. The last loss was one that completely threw me off my tracks. It was very unexpected, and it affects my entire family. But it has taught me so much. While being quarantined has taught me to slow down and focus on what is important, so did these deaths.

I am learning to be more appreciative of this life that we live. I know it is cliché to say, “don’t take this life for granted,” but this year truly taught me that.

We have one life to live. We must make the best of it and let the little things go. We must be there for the ones that matter, they will not always be around. Being together and making memories is truly more important than anything.

I had to completely drop everything in my life and let go of everything I was in control of this past month and it has absolutely killed me to do that.  I am always everyone’s support system, I am always in control, I’m the one who always is on top of everything and even when I break down, I’m still strong and pushing forward. 

But this time was different. This huge change in my life made me reverse roles. I NEEDED the support, I had to let go and lose control of everything, I had to let myself be weak. It killed me to do this. But it taught me to care for myself. I am still working through many of these emotions.

Through this change I realized how lucky I am to have an amazing support system in my life. I always support them, they have never needed to support me, until now.

I am truly blessed with the best and because of them and their support in everything I do; I will move on into 2021 knowing I have the best things in my life. Even with so much sadness recently, I have so much happiness, so much happiness that I have never had before and for that, I am truly thankful for all that 2020 has given me.

Thank you to all of the people who have supported me in my business, it’s because of you, that I have made it this far!

In memory of: Rob Orkies, Judy Thomas, and Barbara Wilding

#8101 Strong


Goodbye 2021!

