
Everyone is experiencing the effects of the COVID-19 all over the world.

As much as we are tired of hearing about it and wanting to get back to our old normal routines, for now, this is our new normal.

It has taken me awhile to get used to it and I think this weekend is the first weekend that I  finally just gave in and accepted it. I’ve been sort of been resisting the change, because it is so opposite from what I am used to.

I didn’t realize I was resisting it that much until recently.

I found myself actually enjoying being home and enjoying doing things around the house.

Things I normally dread.

I even notice myself not being on my phone as much, and wanting to just sit outside in the sun and just be present while soaking up all of the Vitamin D I can in this moment.

Vitamin D is something we all need in our lives right now because things are so hard and the gloomy days make it that much harder. I know many of us have said, thank goodness that this is not happening during the winter time! Can you imagine?!

I can tell you, I would not be in a good place at all. I’m very much someone who has seasonal depression. I try to fight is as much as possible, but the weather truly affects my mood. The more sun, the happier I am.

I’m always an on the go type of person, so much that I’ve even made my daughter like that.

The first week or two of quarantine she would constantly ask, “can we go somewhere?” I’ve been very honest with her on what is going on and she has actually accepted it pretty well.


Kids are so resilient as long as we let them be.

I truly think she is enjoying all of the quality time we are getting together.

What I love the most, which is odd, is the fact that when we go to the park the playgrounds are closed, which makes sense because they are the one of the germiest places on earth!

But what I love about it is that kids are forced to do more things outside such as be active and be closer with nature. To go play in a creek is not something kids do now days they would much rather be on a playground!

Most kids are inside and NEED things to keep them entertained. Much different from when most of us were kids. Over the past 2 months, I have gotten to witness my own child do the things that I did when I was a kid.

Getting dirty, playing with worms, playing in creeks, all the fun stuff. Life was so different back then, and I wish kids today could have a taste of that life. For these reasons, I am starting to become a fan of being quarantined.

It is truly bringing us back to the good things in life. The easy life. Quality time that we always wish we had together, now we have it. It is truly a blessing. I want to really sit back and take it all in as much as I can.


I want to encourage people to try to truly be present in the moment during this time. It is something I’ve struggled with my entire life.

There’s always so much going on and always something on our minds that keeps us from being totally present.

Unplugging, even for a short period, can help us be more present.  If you’re having a conversation with someone, just take the time to truly listen to what they are saying and try not to interrupt.

Journaling is something that I like to do to help me be more present. You let your mind wander wherever it wants to go and write it all down on paper. It is very refreshing for most people.

What are some of the things you do to be more present? I love hearing what others do!


Imposter Syndrome

