
I’m so glad you’re here! I want to introduce myself. I am Sabrina, a wife, girl/dog mom, friend, runner, yoga enthusiast, cake baker, wine lover, and summer dreamer.

My fitness journey started with solo running in 2007 and evolved into joining a running group, strength training, yoga, marathons, and focusing on my mental health.

I’ve recently graduated with my Bachelor’s degree in Business along with my Certifications in Health and Life Coaching.

During one of my many moments of self reflection I realized I was missing something in my life. I thought long and hard about this and realized I have a passion for helping other people. I find joy and fulfillment in helping others.

I thrive on helping people solve problems, adjust to changes or manage the every day challenges life throws at you. This is what eventually led me to becoming a Healthy Life Coach.

I want to see people reach their full potential. I’ve learned a lot through my own struggles. We only have one life, and we need to give it our all. Whatever it takes to make us happy, we have the power to make it happen.

We must be brave and take action. I want to be there to help people when they are ready to take this leap in life.

I’ve always had a passion for health and fitness but I really wanted to dig into the life coaching side as well. We all go through different problems in our lives and sometimes we just feel stuck.

I want to help people see that they have the strength to get over any obstacle that comes their way, big or small.

I have my life coach certifications in Happiness, Life Purpose, Goal Setting and Professional Life. Each area helps you work towards getting closer to where you want to be in life.

Sometimes getting your health in check helps blend all of these things together.

I want to start this blog so that people can get to know me on a personal level. To see the journey that I’ve been on to get to this point in my life and to share the knowledge that I’ve gained over the years.

I want to use my blog as a platform, to spread kindness and positive energy! With so much negativity in the world, I crave positivity!

So here we go! I’m taking this leap of faith! I hope you will be there along the way with me on my new journey!

