Why I Decided To Become A Healthy Life Coach

After obtaining my Bachelor’s degree in Business, I still felt like something was missing in my life that I needed to fulfill.

Yes, getting my degree was a MAJOR accomplishment for me but I knew I wanted more.

I've had a love for health and fitness for as long as can I remember. Although I knew I didnt want to be a physical trainer I was still interested in finding something that pertains to an overall healthy approach to life. Health and life coaches are not very popular in my area, so it wasn’t too long ago that I had even heard of one.

Once I discovered there were other options my mission was to find what I was truly passionate about. I’m in a few inspiring Facebook groups and have listened to many inspiring podcasts, this is what opened my eyes to this opportunity. The moment I came across a career as a Health/Life coach, and read what they did to help people; I knew this was the path for me. I had that fire in me when I spoke to anyone about it.

The very first friend that I told about my plan, before I could even get the words out of my mouth about my vision, she blurted out, “Life Coach!” Everyone around me knows this is what I was meant to do. It made me that much more excited to follow this path. I immediately reached out to fellow coaches from one of the Facebook groups and started educating myself on getting the certifications and skills to fulfill my passion. Everyone was so helpful and it was pretty cool to talk to people who were as passionate about something as I was!

That is when I decided to get my certifications for Health and Life coaching. Through that training I truly realized this is what I was put on this earth to do. I love learning and doing new things. Being open to new things and new challenges is what helps us all grow.

Along with my passion for physical health, I’m also a very big advocate for mental health. I’m so happy to see that it is starting to come to light and more people are starting to take charge of their mental health. It is something that has been overlooked for years. It is just as important if not more important than your physical health because it all ties together. 

I am a problem solver. People have always come to me with their problems to help work through them or for advice on how to move on through their struggles or for advice even to help them reach their goals.

This passion of mine was always right in front of me and I could never see it.

I love to see people happy and living their best lives. We all deserve to be happy. Sometimes we just need help getting over that bump in the road, and that is what I’m here to do. 


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